Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Terrorism Waves In America Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Terrorism Waves In America - Research Paper Example This study is structured around the hypothesis that terrorism in the US lacks particular/substantive definition due to evolutionary forces experienced under different waves. The definition of terrorism is therefore multifaceted according to the various waves experienced. Terror is a deep-rooted phenomenon in the modern world. Though having begun in the late nineteenth century in Russia, the modern terror has evolved to cover the whole world, with the US such a hard hit victim. The simplest definition of a wave is an activity cycle per a given period characterized by phases of contractions as well as expansions. According to the report, each wave as described had a particular predominant defining feature, which also would explain the naming. This paper makes a conclusion that , terrorism is the use of force unlawfully against a person or property with a motive of intimidating and or coercing a sovereign government, the population of civilians or such a segment guided by an objective of political as well as social gain. This definition serves as the basis of the paper with the understanding that it is not wholly universally accepted but that it has common features that are ascribed to terror activities in general. Terrorism activities in the United States have nevertheless been very dynamic and this explains the evolution of the definitions accorded to terrorism in the states. The terrorism waves are ‘anarchist wave,’ ‘anti colonial wave,’ ‘new left wave’ as well as ‘religious wave’.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The Middle Ages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Middle Ages - Essay Example The medieval age was characterized by ignorance. During this age, people were not concerned to know the truth about their surroundings. Religion was a central aspect of people’s lives; people obeyed and believed everything that was taught by religion without caring about the come. This is evident from the relationship that existed between the religion and the society. During the medieval period, Christianity was the main religion in Europe. Christianity remained critical to the people and everything reflected the teachings of Christianity. Works of literature written during this era were classified as secular or Christian literature. It is obvious that secular literature was not celebrated as Christian literature was. This is because people did not appreciate change in the society or change from the known to unknown. The ignorance period that characterized the medieval age resulted from people’s lack of appreciation for change. The medieval age was also characterized by major calamities such as Black Death, famine and civil wars. The Black Death is considered as the worst calamity that affected Europe during the middle ages. Although the Black Death affected Europe during the upper middle age, its effects continued to be experienced even in the early modern age. This calamity is believed to have caused the deaths of nearly one third of the European population. The great famine of the middle ages and the civil wars also caused numerous deaths. The conservative nature of the people or their lack of accepting changes was responsible for the calamities that affected people during the middle ages. For instance, the great famine never resulted from bad weather condition, but due to lack of crop rotation and adopting the cultivation of new crop. In addition, the conflicts that led to the civil wars resulted from the need of the people to deviate from the known ways of life or governance. Anyone who tried to introd uce change was considered as the enemy of the people. These facts are well captured in medieval literature. During this time, books or any other literature material reflected what was already known by the society. Introduction of new ideas or knowledge was greatly opposed by the people. This explains why the middle ages experienced minimal advancement in literature. The classification of literature between secular and Christian literature also explains lack of development in middle age literature. The preference of Christian literature among the people of the Middle Ages also indicates that artists had few things to write about. This is because artists could only write finite things about Christianity as compared to the secular literature. People’s lack to appreciate change is the main factor that caused low intellectual developments during the middle ages. Although religious leaders and scholars knew the truth about nature, they kept the knowledge to themselves due to the fe ar of victimization. Most of this knowledge was in the fields of science and astronomy. Although science and astronomy were significant bodies of knowledge during the middle ages, they were dependent on philosophy and religion. This is a contradiction since both science and astronomy depends on facts and logical analysis. For example during the middle ages, the earth was considered flat. However, scholars and some religious leaders knew